Who Is Behind Subvertadown?

A lot of people have asked what kind of background or education I have, to get into this predictive modeling and to write these analytical articles.

I have a broad science background: initially trained in computer science and artificial intelligence, and ending up in pure sciences (quantum mechanics and chemistry) and engineering fields.  My Ph.D. is not in data science-- but for those you ask: yes, studies in machine learning would have been the more direct route for doing all this. 

As someone who cares about practicality and rational decision making, my career later became more involved with techno-economics, innovation portfolios, business forecasting, and managing development projects— especially regarding energy saving technologies.  In that sense, all this statistical work is for me a return to nerdier habits that have otherwise been dormant.

I’m not sure what else is interesting about me. I collect single malts but don’t drink much. Everyone’s all into IPAs but I just want a good brown ale. I have been getting back in shape, after years of too much desk time combined with child rearing. Originally from Patriots nation, but before they were winning SBs. I have never tried kicking a field goal, but I have a strong suspicion I could be pretty good.