By Subvertadown
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Current SeasonOct. 13th 6am— There is an update to the betting lines, which improves the logic for bet selection, specifically in mid-season (which is different from full season logic). A number of additional recommendations have appeared as a result, so I had to re-scale the total amount to the weekly target, by about 20%.
October 8th, 2024
Post on aggregate consensus kicker rankings.
Welcome to week 6. The week where we feel like we know what to expect now.
Until we get proven wrong!
The main website news is that— in response to the increase in your participation— we’re making it a tiny bit easier to add and vote for comments. If you highlight any of the existing comment “bubbles”, you will right away get links to help you vote + add.
It was a great week for the streaming positions. D/ST, Kicker, and QB had top-notch predictability! That means you— who are streaming— were likely to have better picks than your opponent at these positions.
There were upsets to the week, however. Two (2!) Survivor pathways need to switch to their previous backups, since both the 49ers and Seahawks lost their games. And strangely, Running Backs were tough this week, with the higher team scores coming from the ones that were ranked lower.
Betting lines ended up almost even for the week. We’re still waiting for that comeback. I have been working on some updates to improve our chances there, relating to the logic of weighting selections and their timing.
Remember to vote on Pick6×6, and for those who missed it… the front page is the only place where the crowd-sourced rankings are displayed from this.
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Season Strategy , Understanding Statistics , Weekly Strategy , KickerTagged under
Expectations , Weekly StrategyTagged under
How to Use , Understanding Statistics , Survivor PoolsTagged under
Expectations , Understanding Statistics , Accuracy , KickerTagged under
Expectations , Understanding StatisticsTagged under
Expectations , Weekly StrategyTagged under
Understanding Statistics , Weekly Strategy , QuarterbackTagged under
Expectations , Understanding Statistics , D/ST , QuarterbackTagged under
Expectations , Weekly Strategy , AccuracyTagged under
Understanding Statistics , Weekly Strategy , ExclusiveTagged under
Expectations , Understanding Statistics , Accuracy , KickerTagged under
Expectations , Understanding StatisticsTagged under
Expectations , Understanding Statistics , KickerTagged under
Expectations , Understanding Statistics , Weekly Strategy , Kicker , Quarterback , ExclusiveTagged under
Modeling , Understanding StatisticsTagged under
How to Use , Weekly Strategy , Betting LinesTagged under
Understanding Statistics , Betting LinesTagged under
Understanding Statistics , Betting LinesTagged under
Understanding Statistics , AccuracyTagged under
Understanding Statistics , AccuracyTagged under
Modeling , ExclusiveTagged under
Expectations , Weekly StrategyTagged under
Understanding StatisticsTagged under
Weekly Strategy , KickerTagged under
Weekly Strategy , D/STTagged under
Expectations , Weekly Strategy , D/ST