Why Did Content Move from Free to Paywalled?

I am really glad about being able to publicly share most key analytical findings. I think these studies can improve how people enjoy the game. Making them free is for the greater good.

But the rankings are what most people want to continue, and these are what require the most time and attention. After a few years, the time investment simply proved too much— and there was no good shortcut on time without sacrificing accuracy.  When I felt like quitting, I thought I should first understand how much my audience would miss the contributions.  Luckily, it turned out an ample number of supporters stepped in.

This is what kept the project alive for everyone else.  It made me realize I can juggle the economics of time tradeoffs: maybe all this statistical work means I can’t complete that home project, like I used to… but maybe that’s okay, if I can pay someone else to do it. Meanwhile I can continue providing a service to a community that appreciates it.

I really hope everyone who supports my work continues to feel their season is enhanced with the content provided here. I know that people in small-pot leagues won’t see a direct financial payback from the subscription fee, unless they consider my output for its “entertainment” value. For the majority of followers, my goal is to continue the feeling they get more than what they pay for.
