By Subvertadown
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Understanding Statistics , Betting LinesTotals are more random (harder to predict) than spreads:
Interesting side note, that the O/U error is not centered at the mode, and there is a longer tail of overs.
The above histogram of errors shows that the O/U curve is "fatter". This would also be explained by the lower correlation coefficient between betting lines and outcomes (above 0.4 for spreads; closer to 0.3 for totals). A more scattered scatterplot.
Anecdotally, I've found it's easy to look stupid when making O/U calls: you can bet the under with "high probability"... and see a game explode for 20 points over. And vice-versa.
Taking all the above into consideration, I take the same strategy as I last analyzed in my post about Spreads: do not to bet on small differences or "key numbers". It is to look for more significant discrepancies between my model output and Vegas. Partially related to the inaccuracy of O/U betting lines, there are likely to be more opportunities to exploit.
There is wide variation in the success of this approach, from week to week. But I still believe my method is sound (you can read about in my profile, regarding fantasy football models).
Comparing my model to Vegas lines and actual score results (on past results):
The Results are of course much more spread out, and giving a pattern with "key numbers"
There is little difference in shape between my model and the Vegas lines
This means the model can only succeed by identifying particular kinds of deviations from betting lines.
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Expectations , Current Season , AccuracyTagged under
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Expectations , Accuracy , Updates / NewsTagged under
Expectations , Weekly StrategyTagged under
Expectations , Understanding Statistics , Accuracy , KickerTagged under
Expectations , Understanding StatisticsTagged under
Expectations , Weekly StrategyTagged under
Expectations , Understanding Statistics , D/ST , QuarterbackTagged under
Expectations , Weekly Strategy , AccuracyTagged under
Expectations , Understanding Statistics , Accuracy , KickerTagged under
Expectations , Modeling , AccuracyTagged under
Expectations , AccuracyTagged under
Expectations , Betting LinesTagged under
Expectations , Understanding StatisticsTagged under
Expectations , Understanding Statistics , KickerTagged under
Expectations , Understanding Statistics , Weekly Strategy , Kicker , Quarterback , ExclusiveTagged under
Modeling , Understanding StatisticsTagged under
Understanding Statistics , AccuracyTagged under
Understanding Statistics , AccuracyTagged under
Background , AccuracyTagged under
Background , ModelingTagged under
Background , ModelingTagged under
Modeling , ExclusiveTagged under
Expectations , Weekly StrategyTagged under
Modeling , KickerTagged under
Expectations , KickerTagged under
Expectations , KickerTagged under
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